Gardening is good exercise and good for your heart. Even the American Heart Association lists gardening as a healthy form of exercise and recommends at least 20 minutes three times a week. All that bending and stretching and twisting keeps you young and flexible. The sunshine on your shoulders is also necessary for your body to produce Vitamin D -- essential for calcium absorption and bone growth. Who knew?
Gardening is good for your soul. The prolonged periods of solitude guaranteed by gardening provide perfect opportunities for philosphizing and self-examination. I know my teenagers rarely interrupt me when I weeding the tomatoes or deadheading the pinks, something about being put to work, I think.
Gardening is good for the environment. All those plants busily transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. All those weeds and clippings can also be used to build a compost pile, saving space in the local landfill for something else. The resulting compost also returns nutrients to the soil when I dig it in around my plants.
But the real reason I garden? Jude the Obscure:

Phil gave me this rose bush two years ago for Mother's Day. Since then it's flowers have perfumed my garden, my house and even my school. All that and it's beautiful too.
More later,