Thursday, May 29, 2008


With only two days left in May, it finally warmed up enough today that I was able to spend the afternoon in the garden. I poked some bedding plants in -- some white geraniums, another small yellow dahlia and a lantana. I moved some pinks to a south corner and put my favorite osteospermum (white petals with blue centers) behind them. I added some more pink somethings to the front of the east side of the flower bed and then cleaned the weeds out of the peony row.

After I had finished in my yard, I went to spend a few hours at the greenhouse where I work part-time. We enjoyed two hours of sunshine and extreme busyness and then enormous gray clouds gathered in the western sky, the wind started to blow, and it started to rain -- really rain -- hard pounding what's happening to my baby plants rain. We stood and watched the rain pound until it changed to hail. One lousy warm day and we get hail!!! There I was at work and could only worry about my babies. Of course those storms don't usually last very long, and 15 or 20 minutes later it was done.

Phil was a sweetheart and came to pick me up since I had walked to work and didn't want to get too wet walking home again. And I learned that although it had poured and hailed on the north side of town, it had only sprinkled a little on my new flowers. The pounding rain and hail had stopped two blocks from our house. Hurrah.

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